Chief mufti of the Asian part of Russia Nafigulla Ashirov said the extremist and terrorist groups have harmed the Islamic religion and conveyed wrong conceptions about it to the West, Mena reported
In statements to MENA on the fringe of his participation in the inter-religious conference, which kicked off in Cairo on Saturday, Ashirov said Islam did not differentiate between humans, but it has ordered communication and interaction with others in a wisely manner without any offense or attacks against anyone.
He pointed out that many people in Europe have recently embraced Islam due to their right understanding of its tolerant teachings, asserting that good treatment and rational advice are the weapons of Muslims in any dialogue and discussion in a way that guarantees the establishment of the pillars of peace and unity among various communities.
The 31st edition of the international conference on interfaith dialogue kicked off in Cairo Saturday, bringing together hundreds of religious officials, experts and researchers from around the world.