Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has expressed support for efforts to achieve comprehensive development of the state’s administrative apparatus at the levels of human resources, digital transformation and information technology.
In a message of greetings to public servants on the occasion of the World Public Service Day yesterday, President Sisi expressed appreciation of all members of the state‘s administrative apparatus, and all those who perform the duties of their duties with honour, seriousness and sincerity.
The World Public Service Day is globally marked on June 23 every year in a pursuance of a 2002 United Nations a Assembly resolution proclaiming this day an occasion to recognise the value of public service to the community and highlight the contribution of public service to the development process.
“On the World Public Service Day, I extend my greetings to all public servants of state’s administrative apparatus, as well as my appreciation for everyone who delivers the duties of his job in honour, seriousness and devotion,” the President said in a post on his official Facebook page yesterday.
President Sisi also urged Egypt’s public servants to renew determination to serve our dear homeland and its citizens, and stressed his support for the “efforts of comprehensive development of the state’s administrative apparatus, in terms of human resources efficiency and digital transformation and information technology—the key instruments for revival and achieving comprehensive development.
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