CAIRO – Egypt’s Health and Population Ministry will launch tomorrow the national vaccination campaign against polio that will last for four days nationwide, announced spokesman for the Health and Population Ministry Hossam Abdel Ghaffar.
The campaign comes as part of keenness to raise the societal immunity of children against the disease, he added.
The campaign aims to vaccinate children from one day to five years of age, both Egyptian and non-Egyptian children residing in Egypt, he further said.
Vaccination will be done through 45,000 medical teams comprising 90,000 members trained at the highest level, in addition to the supervisory teams at all levels in the ministry, health directorates and departments and medical districts, he went on to say.
Head of the Preventive Medicine Department Amr Qandil, for his part, said that mobile teams will roam homes in villages, remote areas, metro stations and markets to ensure coverage of the children targeted in the campaign.
He, meanwhile, called on all families to go to the nearest point of the national polio vaccination campaign teams, to vaccinate their children, in order to preserve their health and prevent them from contracting the disease.