Egypt’s Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli on Thursday instructed the Central Agency for Organization and Administration (CAOA) to announce results of a competition held to appoint co-teachers at the Ministry of Education and Technical Education for the second year.
The premier, also, directed the CAOA to prepare for holding the upcoming competition for contracting with 30,000 teacher assistants for the third year.
The third competition is due to be launched in January 2024, with a view to catering to the Ministry of Education’s demand for hiring more teachers.
The CAOA, under its Head Dr. Saleh el Sheikh, will announce later in the day the results of the competition for applicants from the governorates of Cairo and Giza.
Applicants can appeal against the results within 14 days as of Friday.
The CAOA will announce results of applicants from the remaining governorates on the following website