Egypt’s Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli on Thursday reaffirmed state’s keenness on stimulating the industrial sector in order to localize different industries, develop specialized technological industries along with reinforcing medium and small-sized industries and their competitiveness.
The premier highlighted measures adopted by the state, under President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, to improve the investment climate, remove hindrances facing investors and develop the business climate.
He pointed out to the several one-on-one meetings held between president Sisi and heads of mega international industrial firms who took part in the third edition of the International Manufacturing Convention and Exhibition (IMCE).
Madbouli was addressing the cabinet’s weekly meeting that took place Thursday at the premises of the government headquarters in the New Administrative Capital to tackle a number of key files.
Madbouli said that he had witnessed tangible development in various Egyptian industries during attending the opening of the IMCE on behalf of the president.
The event that was organized by the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) under the auspices of President Sisi underscores great importance attached by the state to develop the industrial sector and promote its contribution to luring investments and achieving sustainable economic development.
The state gave a top priority to the event which is deemed a platform for addressing challenges facing the industrial sector and proposing solutions for them, Madbouli said, adding that the expo was key for activating partnerships with the economic and industrial entities at the Arab, African and international levels.
He expressed gratitude for Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development Minister of Industry and Transport Kamel el Wazir on efforts exerted to deliver a successful event.
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