Egypt’s Minister of International Co-operation Rania Al-Mashaat gave the opening speech at the high-level conference organised by Germany and Peru in co-operation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The theme of the conference was ‘Building the Economies of the Future: The Power of Investing in NDCs and LTS to Deliver the Paris Agreement and the SDGs’.
The conference focused on how nationally determined contributions (NDCs) can help implement the Paris Climate Agreementand the challenges to fundingclimate action.
The conference also reviewed the Egyptian experience in debt swaps for development and climate action within the framework of the NWFE programme.
Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Albina Ruiz, Peruvian Minister of the Environment Albina Ruiz, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, Administrator of the UNDPattended the conference.
Climate change negatively affects economic developmentand the sudden disruptions in global supply chains, which were exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have cast a shadow on economic conditions, leading to rising inflation in developing countries, el-Mashaat said.
Mitigating the repercussions of climate change requires concerted efforts and the implementation of NDCs and long-term strategies to achieve the SDGs, el-Mashaat added.
She highlighted Egypt’s progress towards issuing and updating the NDCs in order to pave the way towards developing national projects, platforms and sustainable initiatives, to move forward towards enhancing climate action.
The government updated the NDCs first in July 2022, which shows Egypt’s commitment to al7gn climate action with development, efforts towards the transition to the green economy and Egypt’s Vision 2030, el-Mashaat said.
In June 2023, a second update was madeto the NDCs, thusaffirming the country’s commitment to raising the percentage of renewable energy to 42 per cent for the year 2030, instead of 2035, she added.
This is in line with the political declaration issued by Egypt, the United States of Americaand Germany at COP27.
In order to enhance long-term development strategies, Egypt issued the National Strategy for Climate Change 2050 in May 2022, and accordingly, a set of projects in mitigation and adaptation were adaptation serving as the basis of the the nexus of water, food and energy(NFWE) programme.
The NWFE programme arises from the government’s National Strategy for Climate Change and NDCs.
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