CAIRO – Local Development Minister Mahmoud Shaarawy said Sunday that the journey of the holy family shows that Egypt has always been a host country of world heritage and culture, besides history.
The project to revive this journey is meant to promote noble values and develop world heritage, Shaarawy said after receiving a report on the issue.
The report covers the 25-stop journey in eight governorates: North Sinai, Sharqiya, Gharbiya, Kafr el Sheikh, Behaira, Cairo, Minya and Assiut.
Shaarawy said President Abdel Fattah El Sisi pays particular attention to this national project, at the political, heritage, religious, cultural and tourist levels.
He also said that Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli always follows up the project to guarantee it comes out in the best way possible.
He called for exerting utmost effort to place the journey of the holy family on the international tourist map and to complete two promotional and investment plans in coordination with the Tourism Ministry and other bodies concerned.
Shaarawy said that work is underway to upgrade the efficiency of roads in the vicinity of the holy family stops and to build tourist service centers and gates leading to those stops, as well as waiting areas for tourists and buses.
He stressed the need to regularly follow up work at all 25 stops in all eight governorates to make sure everything is ready ahead of the official inauguration. (MENA)
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