Egypt and Europe are bound by history and geography. The European Union (EU) and Egypt have clinched a number of initiatives aiming, within the framework of the Association Agreement and the Partnership Priorities, to unleash the full potential of EU-Egypt relations, accompany Egypt’s socio-economic development, and mitigate the impact of regional crises with a view to attain common stability and security.
Relations between the two sides are based on the Association Agreement, which entered into force in June 2004. They have been strengthened over the past years to cover a wide spectrum of activities.
The ninth meeting of the Association Council of the EU and Egypt, held on 19 June 2022, adopted the new Partnership Priorities to guide the relationship for the period 2021-2027. In accordance with the new partnership priorities, the EU and Egypt will further deepen their dialogue and cooperation on sustainable modern economy and social development, partnering in foreign policy, and enhancing stability.
ENP programme
The EU co-operates with Egypt in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and its southern dimension, the Renewed partnership with Southern Neighbourhood – A new Agenda for the Mediterranean. On 9 February 2021, the European Commission adopted a Joint Communication on the renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, establishing a new agenda for the Mediterranean to relaunch and reinforce the EU’s partnership with the region.
10th meeting of EU-Egypt Association Council
Co-operation with the EU is an example of constructive partnerships that extend over decades, based on integration, meeting national priorities in times of crises, and this was borne out during the coronavirus pandemic, according to Minister of International Co-operation Rania el-Mashaat during the 10th meeting of the EU-Egypt Association Council, held in Brussels on Tuesday.
During the event, the minister reviewed a report entitled ‘A joint development vision for progress and prosperity’ covering Egyptian-European development co-operation during the period from 2020 to 2023.
Egyptian-European relations are developing within a framework of integration and partnership in accordance with national development priorities, the minister added.
She referred to the launch of the 2021-2027 bilateral partnership to advance green and sustainable development efforts, upgrade investment in human capital, and achieve economic flexibility and digital transformation, el-Mashaat added.
International partnerships with the Team Europe initiative, through soft financing, amounted to about $12.8 billion for the government and private sectors over four years, with $7.3 billion for the government and $5.5 billion in funding for the private sector.
This contributed to attracting investments from European companies in priority sectors, including sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy and electricity, food security, health and education, sustainable transport, water and sanitation networks, and micro, small and medium enterprises, solid waste management, and women’s empowerment.
The Neighbourhood, Development and International Co-operation Instrument – Global Europe (NDICI) is the main instrument for EU’s co-operation with external partners, including Egypt, in 2021-2027. The instrument’s approach includes grant funding as well as blending grants with loans from European and international financing institutions.
MIP 2021-2027
The European Union’s co-operation framework with Egypt is the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for the period 2021-2027, based on the new Partnership Priorities, to support Egypt in the areas of green and sustainable development; human development, economic resilience and prosperity building through green and digital transition; social cohesion, and the development of a modern and democratic state.
For the first period of the MIP 2021-2024, €240 million has been allocated for EU bilateral co-operation with Egypt. Past support focused on education, health, urban and rural development, employment creation, development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, water management and treatment, waste management, environment, governance and public administration reform corresponding with Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy – Vision 2030.
Egypt has benefited from over €650 million in blending grants, which have leveraged approximately €8 billion since 2008, in concessional loans from European Financial Institutions combined with public and private sector financing. Investments supported key sectors of renewable energy, energy efficiency, irrigation, water and wastewater management, transport, financial inclusion, support to micro, small and medium enterprises, urban development and technical vocational education and training.
Support in migration
Egypt benefits from bilateral and regional funding under the North of Africa window of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF Africa) supporting efforts in enhancing migration management, addressing the roots causes of irregular migration and sustaining local communities hosting refugees.
Ongoing projects in Egypt totalling €91 million include a €60 million package for “Enhancing the Response to Migration Challenges in Egypt- ERMCE”, and €31 million for regional actions on security, labour mobility, asylum, support to children and family refugees. The EU will continue to support Egypt on migration management under the NDICI instrument. So far, €171 million have been adopted for Egypt to support border management, strengthen anti-smuggling and anti-trafficking operations and step up assisted voluntary return and reintegration.
The EU has mobilized €37.9 million of humanitarian assistance for refugees and asylum seekers and the host communities in Egypt since 2015, including €5 million in 2023.
Egypt participates to Erasmus+ which supports the modernisation of the higher education sector and promotes co-operation with EU higher education institutions. Under this programme, around 4,489 Egyptian students, professors and university staff travelled to Europe and 2,230 European counterparts travelled to Egypt between 2015 and 2022.
Egypt also benefits from additional EU thematic programmes and instruments, including the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights: almost €10 million in 2021-2024.