CAIRO – The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) said that the bad weather wave that hit Egypt Thursday will continue on Friday with a notable increase in temperatures that are expected to reach over 40 degrees Celsius in some areas of the country within the coming 48 hours.
In a statement, EMA said several areas in Cairo and Giza governorates were hit by a heavy sandstorm, followed by showers, adding that light rains poured over Northern Coast and the Nile Delta and extended to Cairo.
The bad weather is the result of thermal depressions in the region and ongoing Khamasin storms Egypt endures annually at this time of spring, it added.
In statements to MENA, EMA board member Dr Manar Ghanem said an improvement in the weather conditions along with an end to the sand storm is expected on Saturday.
Highs in Upper Egypt may reach 43 Celsius.
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