By Ibrahim Mohamed
The Information Centre of the National Food Safety Authority issued its 47 weekly reports for the period from December 23 – 29, which include many different activities.
The General Administration of Factories Control carried out 78 supervisory missions on food factories in all governorates during the fourth week of December.
Seven food facilities were registered with the National Food Safety Authority, and seven factories were listed on the white list.
Examination, inspection, and accreditation visits by the Department of Control of Packing Stations and Centres reached 48; 1 establishment was registered; 3 facilities are currently listed on the white list; and 2185 export permits were issued to agricultural crops.
The Authority’s branches in the governorates also follow up on the export season of Egyptian citrus and implement the mechanism of withdrawing samples from orange goods prepared for export to the countries of the European Union.
Beans have topped the list of exported Egyptian vegetables by 10000 tons, followed by tomatoes with a total of 8000 tons, sweet potatoes with a total of 6000 tons, and citrus fruits topped the list of exported fruits last week with a total of 60,000 tons, followed by strawberries and pomegranates with a total of 8000 and 4000 tons, respectively.
Saudi Arabia, Libya, Spain, and Russia represented the largest recipients of Egyptian exports over the past week out of a total of 150 importing countries.
The General Administration for Registration and Licensing of Private Food registered 52 products and 17 companies, carried out 5 supervisory visits, examined 743 new products, and issued 2 free sale certificates.
Notification No. 2193/2021 of a product named “Castidal D3” by Pharma Cast and notification No. 2602/2021 of a product named “Vitamins” to BioTrim Labs were also cancelled for breaching registration conditions.
With regard to Laboratory Management, the department prepared technical reports for 1330 samples of imported food shipments, 630 samples of food for export, 340 samples of local food, and 134 samples of special food products.
The General Department of Slaughterhouses conducted 7 inspection visits to poultry and meat slaughterhouses, in addition to issuing 18 permissions to natural envelope factories.
The food safety branch in Gharbia, Menoufia, Damietta, Al-Sharqia, Sohag, Assiut, South Sinai, Dakahlia, New Valley, and Faiyum governorates launched extensive inspection campaigns to ensure the implementation of food safety requirements.
This came as part of the efforts of the directives of Dr. Tarek el-Hobi, Chairman of the National Food Safety Authority (NFSA), to tighten the control over food establishments to ensure the safety of the food products offered and to preserve the health of consumers in various governorates.
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