CAIRO – Egypt’s exports to G20 countries upped by 21.1% to register 25.6 billion dollars in 2022, compared to 21.1 billion dollars in 2021.
While Egypt’s imports from the G20 countries increased by 6.1% to reach 62.5 billion dollars in 2022, against 58.9 billion dollars in 2021, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
The volume of trade exchange between Egypt and the G20 countries surged by 10.1% to reach 88.1 billion dollars in 2022, compared to 80 billion dollars in 2021.
Turkey came at the top of the list of the top ten G20 countries importing from Egypt in 2022. The total value of Egypt’s exports to Turkey amounted to 4 billion dollars.
Italy came in the second place, with its total imports from Egypt amounting to 3.4 billion dollars, followed by Saudi Arabia, the United States, South Korea, India, China, France, the United Kingdom and Canada.
As for list of the top exporters of the G20 countries to Egypt in 2022, China ranked first, with Egypt’s imports from China amounting to 14.4 billion dollars.
Egypt’s imports from Saudi Arabia amounted to 7.9 billion dollars followed by the United States, Russia, India, Germany, Turkey, Brazil, Italy and France.