Israeli forces detain 44 Palestinians in large-scale West Bank raids

Israeli forces detained on Wednesday at 44 Palestinians in large-scale raids across the West Bank, according to local and security sources.

They said that a sizable Israeli army force stormed Silwad town, east of Ramallah city, where the soldiers broke into dozens of houses, assaulted the residents with dogs, conducted thorough searches, WAFA reported.

While in the town, the soldiers showed up at the premises of Silwad Sports Club, smashed the main and internal doors, conducted a search and tempered with the contents, causing extensive destruction.

In the southern West Bank, the sources confirmed a raid in Tarqumiyah town, west of Hebron, leading to the detention of three others.

In the northern West Bank, a convoy of army vehicles stormed Jayyus town, east of Qalqiliya city.

In Tulkarm district, an army force barged its way into Nur Shams refugee camp, rounded up residents and wreaked havoc inside the houses of their families.

The raid triggered confrontations during which the soldiers shot a young man who was standing in front of his house by a live round in the thigh.

The casualty was rushed to a hospital and his condition was described as stable.

The sources confirmed a similar raid in Dhanaba neighborhood, east of the city, resulting in the detention of another.

Mass arrest of Palestinians is nothing new. According to a 2017 report by Addameer, over the past 50 years, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned or detained by Israel, this figure is now believed to be closer to 1 million. This means that about 40% of Palestinian men and boys living under military occupation have been deprived of their freedom.


Almost every Palestinian family has suffered the imprisonment of a loved one.

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