Abul Gheit: Arabs should enhance steadfastness of Palestinians

 Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit stressed on Sunday that Arabs should enhance the steadfastness of Palestinians to preserve the Arab identity of Al Quds in face of all attempts to Judaize it.

Addressing a conference at the Arab League headquarters in support of Al Quds, Abul Gheit said the issue of Al Quds is at the heart of all Arabs, warning that the holy city does not only suffer from occupation but also from attempts to obliterate its identity.

Al Quds is under occupation and no one can change this fact, Abul Gheit said, warning that all attempts to Judaize the city will lead to more violence.

He underlined the importance of preserving the historical status of Al Quds so that just and comprehensive peace can be achieved, saying today’s conference aims at sending a message to the entire world on the importance of protecting the holy city from violations committed by occupation forces.

He warned of attempts to divide Al Quds and erase its Islamic identity, saying such attempts would lead to more hatred and conflicts.

He made clear that Israel is adopting a systematic approach to undermine the two-state solution, urging all peace loving powers to join efforts to settle the Palestinian issue.

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