PORT SAID, Egypt – Egyptian Sports Minister Ashraf Sobhi and Port Said Governor Adel El Ghadban led Friday cycling marathon, which has seen the participation of more than 500 young men and women.
The ten-kilometer ride came as part of the youth minister’s the inspection in Port Said.
Organizing a sport event to the residents of Port Said, similar to what happened in other governorates reflects Egypt political leadership’s interest in spreading the sports culture nationwide, Sobhi said.
Sobhi said that the ministry is keen on promoting the culture of practicing sports among young people and citizens and on introducing sports as a lifestyle, which is accomplished through events and marathons held periodically in all governorates.
He said that the initiative reflects President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s keenness on promoting sports as a cultural practice, adding that sports improve physical fitness and that bikes constitute an economically-efficient mode of transport.