An international expert in protocol and etiquette explained that these sets of rules and customs are basically derived from teachings and stressed in divine messages. According to Prof. Refaat el-Dabaa, President of the International Etiquette Federation, the protocol and etiquette are inspired by quotes of God’s prophets and messengers, which teach the faithful ethics and correct conduct they should observe to enjoy peace and happy life and know how to behave correctly and politely towards the other to win mutual respect.
In an interview with The Egyptian Gazette, Prof. el-Dabaa, who is also the plenipotentiary to the United Nations, paid tribute to the ancient Egyptians, saying that they were the first to realise that the individual’s observance of and commitment to the rules of protocol and etiquette would lead to stability, good neighbourliness, fraternity and peace in society.
“Over centuries, these two sciences have undergone modifications and receive additions only to be compatible with the tempo of modern life and change,” he said.
In addition his international credits, Prof. el-Dabaa is the founder the science of specific media in the world, the first President of the International Etiquette Federation, and the first head of the Protocol Association.
Prof. el-Dabaa noted that protocol and etiquette appear to overlap in several areas.
“Etiquette emphasises proper conduct and good behaviour for a peaceful and constructive relationship with one’s self.
“Protocol has a wider scope as it reminds one how maintain peace with family members and friends and also how to behave politely to win the respect and admiration of others, including strangers.”
Prof. el-Dabaa hs published three encyclopedias — the nine-volumes TheEtiquette, co-authored by Al-Azhar’s Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayyib and a number of preeminent experts and professors in Egypt and abroad. The Etiquette serves as a guide for the individual and the community to maintain peaceful coexistence between themselves regardless of race or faith. The work sets rules to nurture cooperation and fraternity.
Prof. al-Dabaa is the author of the 30-chapter Specific Media, which brings together areas of integration between media and human sciences. His third encyclopedia is the 17-volume Dealing With the Other.
Prof. el-Dabaa told this newspaper that etiquette governs a person’s activities in the course of 75 per cent of one’s lifetime.
“These sets of rules and customs are understandably absent during 25 per cent of the time because one asleep then,” he said.
“Etiquette helps develop win-win relationship with others, including animals.
Protocol and the etiquette are instrumental in resolving all social problems, such as family violence and divorce, he said, adding: “Etiquette teaches married couples to respect each other and create peace and love in home, which will translate into the welfare of their children.”
“Receiving positive signals from parents, children will grow healthily psychologically and physically, hence creating a healthy and prosperous society.
“It is the family’s breach of the rules of etiquette, which increased divorce rate and created the phenomenon of street children.”
Prof. el-Dabaa told this newspaper that the observance of etiquette and protocol in society would attract more foreign visitors.
“They are important in the tourism and hospitality industries. When tourists are treated with respect and good manners on their first visit to Egypt, they will not hesitate to come back.”
Etiquette reminds one of his commitments to the other and the people with special needs, especially with public utilities and services.