CAIRO – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted on Wednesday the importance of reducing the maximum period of pretrial detention.
Pretrial detention must be considered as a preventive measure, that is required by necessity of the probe and not to change into a penalty, added president Sisi.
The president ordered activating various applications of alternatives to pretrial detention, along with the importance of material and moral compensation and redress for those who are subjected to wrongful pretrial detention.
President Sisi directed officials to refer recommendations of the National Dialogue on pretrial detention and criminal justice to the government to accelerate taking necessary measures to activate such agreed recommendations.
The recommendations were referred to the president of the republic at the behest of deliberations of the Dialogue, according to him.
President Sisi said “My response to recommendations of the National Dialogue are emanating from the genuine desire to fulfil articles of the Egyptian constitution and the National Strategy for Human Rights.”