Sisi: Egypt writes new history after achieving dreams of Egyptians to establish nuclear plant

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has said that Egypt is writing a new history via achieving the Egyptians’ dream of having a nuclear power plant.

Sisi asserted that the project is another accomplishment in the file of bilateral cooperation with Russia.

Sisi’s remarks came in a speech via videoconference on the sidelines of a ceremony to pour the foundation concrete of the 4th electricity unit at Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant on Tuesday.

Sisi thanked all workers at the Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant, adding that Dabaa project is a new leaf in the cooperation relations with Russia.

Sisi said that the start of concrete pouring of the 4th unit allows the Egyptian state to start the next stage in building nuclear reactors.

President Sisi said that the global crisis of power supply proves the importance of strategic decision taken by Egypt to revive the Egyptian peaceful nuclear program to produce electric energy as this would contribute to providing safe, cheap and long-term energy supply, reducing counting on fossil fuel and avoiding price changes.

Sisi said that adding nuclear energy to other energy resources that Egypt counts on to produce electricity is very important to meet the increasing demand on electric energy needed for economic and social development plans, contribute to counting on new and renewable energy to achieve environmental sustainability and face climate change.

President Sisi started his word by thanking his “dear friend” Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that starting pouring the concrete of electricity unit no. 4 of Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant will lead to the stage of construction of all the nuclear units of the project.

Sisi said that this project is a new leaf in the cooperation track between Egypt and Russia and to be added to the accomplishments of the Egyptian-Russian cooperation.

The project reflects the strenuous efforts exerted by both sides to implement Egypt’s national project to establish a nuclear power plant in Dabaa, Sisi said.

At the end, Sisi thanked the workers in the Russian company of Atomstroyexport, the general contractor of the project, and Nuclear Power Plants Authority which supervises the giant national project.

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