NCW thanks Sisi for remarks about necessity of discussing personal status law

The National Council for Women (NCW), under its chairperson Maya Morsi, on Wednesday thanked President Abdel Fattah El Sisi for his remarks given in a telephone interview with a TV program Wednesday about the necessity of discussing family issues honestly and impartially.

In a statement, Morsi expressed her gratitude for the president’s remarks which she said affirm the political leadership’s keenness to introduce a balanced and fair personal status law.

There is a pressing need to issue this law because such issues are related to all society members mainly, women and children, she said, adding that having a fair and balanced personal status law will greatly help achieve the stability of the Egyptian family and send a message to reassure the coming generations about the institution of marriage.

Morsi said the council has exerted great efforts over six years to finalize outlining a set of parameters and requirements that shall be included in the new personal status “family” law.

Such requirements include preserving the coherence of the Egyptian family and giving priority to the interest of the child while protecting the rights and freedoms granted for women under the constitution, she said.

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