Mashat affirms importance of co-operation with WB to reinforce private sector

Egyptian Minister of International Co-operation Rania al Mashat on Tuesday asserted the significance of co-operation with the World Bank (WB) towards maximising the role of the private sector in the investment domain.

She added that cooperation with the bank entails implementing the State Ownership Policy Document through governance and regulating the activities of government companies, with the aim of enhancing their financial status and stimulating competitiveness.

Mashat made the remarks during a meeting with Osama el Gohary, Chairman of the Information and Decision Support Centre (IDSC), Deputy Finance Minister for Financial Policies Ahmed Kojak and World Bank Country Director for Egypt, Yemen and DjiboutiStephane Guimbert.

The meeting was also attended by Assistant Finance Minister for Economic Affairs Shereen Sharqawy alongside teams of the World Bank and the Ministry of International Co-operation.

The meeting reviewed current co-operation between the Egyptian government and the World Bank Group. It shed light on the outcomes of the World Banks mission that started activities earlier this month.

The meeting tackled technical co-operation with the Egyptian government in putting into effect the State Ownership Policy Document as well as utilizing best international practices in managing state owned assets and boosting the contribution of the private sector to achieving development.

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