CAIRO- British Ambassador in Cairo Geoffrey Adams voiced pride over joining the Kemama campaign to empower women in Upper Egypt which has already achieved great success in protection against the spread of coronavirus.
In a statement released on Sunday, The UK Embassy in Cairo said that the campaign helps in economically empowering women, which is a top priority for the country.
Meanwhile, UN Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative Randa Abul Hassan underlined the importance of the campaign to socially and economically enable the most weak communities to counter the negative impact of coronavirus.
She also said that Kemama campaign is important to protect Upper Egypt from COVID-19, adding that a multi-sectoral whole-of-society approach is necessary to face the challenges the health sector is experiencing and beyond, to limit the spread of the COVID-19 and to alleviate the potentially harsh impact on vulnerable people and the economy.
Supporting Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (ENID/El Nidaa) means fighting the virus, and more employment and income generation opportunities for people, particularly for women and a direct contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals,” Aboul-Hosn added.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Egypt in partnership with the UNDP Alternative Finance Lab (AltFinLab) and Neya Foundation, have launched Kemama (“Face Mask”), a campaign to support the Egypt Foundation for Integrated Development (ENID/El-Nidaa) in raising funds to expand their production of medical masks in Upper Egypt.