The World Youth Forum (WYF) will organise a simulation of the Model of UN Human Rights Council (MUNHRC) as part of the agenda of its 4th edition of the forum, to be held during the period January 10-13 in the Red Sea resort Sharm el-Sheikh, under auspices of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.
Up to 5,000 young people applied to participate in the simulation, and many have been selected, representing Egypt and a number of countries, according to a WYF statement in Cairo on Wednesday.
The MUNHRC will be held in a special session entitled “Covid-19 repercussions on realising the right to health.” It aims to establish a constructive dialogue, and provide inspiring ideas and realistic recommendations that could help the world get out of the pandemic safely, with full respect to all human rights in line with the relevant local and global charters.
The decision to organise a simulation exercise of the UNHRC came in light of the fact that the United Nations recognised the WYF as an international platform for dialogue in February 2021 as well as the launch of UN Human Development Report in Egypt this year, which reflects Egypt’s human development efforts in addition to the launch of the Egypt’s national Human Rights strategy in September 2021.
The WYF simulation models started in the first edition in 2017, with a model UN Security Council, which saw the participation of more than 60 young people who addressed several issues of global concern.
In the 2018 edition, the WYF held a model Arab-African Summit, as young people from 67 African and Arab countries discussed various issues and sought solutions to the challenges facing both sides. They also tackled means of boosting co-operation between Arab and African youth, as well as the prospects for Arab African economic integration.
In its third edition in 2019, the WYF organiseda Model Union for the Mediterranean (MUfM) which discussed issues of common interest, such as climate change, with participation of young people from the member states: Egypt, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Lebanon, Malta, Poland, and Monaco, in addition to the Arab League.
The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the UN system made up of 47 member States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe.It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year.