QETC Study in Malaysia Education 2021 organized by QETC Middle east office in Cairo from 9 – 11 August 2021 in Dusit Lakeview hotel in Cairo. More than 11,000 students that came from different educational backgrounds (IGCSE, American Diploma, High School degree, etc.) attended the event, and got acquainted with the importance of Malaysian universities and got an insight on how to enroll and obtain discounts.
UCSI University which has participated in this event, has an escalating yearly ranking for 2022 as #347 and it’s from the TOP 1.1% universities on the whole world, providing its students with all the majors that they wish for in different faculties
Mr. Zyad Essam, head of QETC Middle East, said “the company provides free services to all students wishing to study in Malaysia, guiding them throughout the admission processin appropriate universities that best fit them.”
This is in addition to providing discounts for students on airlines and facilitating the visa possession, he said, adding that the students are introduced virtually to the places of residence to become very aware of the place of residence before travelling.
Mr. Zyad added “this company has aided more than 1,000 students since 2016 to studyin Malaysia, indicating that these students are from more than 500 schools.”
“Some of the Egyptian students who studied in UCSI University in Malaysia did their internship at Formula One and others are now working in international companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft and Tesla,” Mr. Essam stressed.
He explained that most students prefer to travel to Malaysia to study engineering, especially technological specialties, hence the Malaysian universities’ advanced level and their strong ranking among the best universities in the world.
“Despite Malaysian institutions’ high rankings and sophisticated level of study, university fees are inexpensive and less than their international counterparts, in addition to the low cost of living,” he added.
QETC’s role is not limited to just coordinating and guiding the students from their starting point, their services extend to after the students’ land in Malaysia and during their entire course of study. The process of counselling, admission, visa application, and accommodation placementtake place during the initial part of the journey. Upon arrival to Malaysia, they are greeted by a QETC representative who accompanies them through the emigration office and help them settle in their accommodation, afterwards there is always direct communication with the students and their parents throughout their studying period and they’re given support to overcome any hurdles they may face.